Social Prescribing Link Workers
Many things in life can make us feel unwell and a medical prescriptions is not always the answer to make us feel better. Social Prescribing can help you to take control of your own health and wellbeing by giving you time to think about what matters to you and how the service can work with you to improve your health and happiness.
What is the role of a Social Prescriber?
Social Prescribing can help to reduce Health Inequalities by supporting people to unpick complex issues affecting their wellbeing. They enable people to have more control over their lives, develop skills and give their time to others, through involvement in their community groups.
Your Link Worker
Your link worker is someone who will listen, support and explore ‘what matters to you’ and work with you to create a personal plan; highlighting your needs. Your link worker can provide support, information and signpost you within the local community by linking in with voluntary, community sector organisations and other agencies.
Aim of the Social Prescribing Link Workers (SPLWs)
The aim is to provide you with non-medical interventions; taking a holistic approach in supporting you to overcome barriers and achieve goals. They will help increase your confidence in managing your own health needs and to have more choice and control of your health and wellbeing through involvement in the local community.
Who is the service open to?
This service is available to anyone aged 18 years and older with mild or long-term mental health problems, people with complex needs, people who are socially isolated and those with multiple long-term conditions who frequently attend either primary or secondary health care.
What can I get help with?
You can talk to your Social Prescribing link worker about what is important to you. They can look at a range of topics including:
- Family and home life
- Housing
- Money, Benefits and debt
- Work and Volunteering
- Social connections and activities
- Loneliness and Isolation
- Physical Health and emotional wellbeing
- Practical support
- Help for carers
How can I make an appointment with the SPLW
You can call your GP practice and discuss your concerns with the reception team; explaining your current needs. The reception team can book you a direct appointment with a SPLW. You may also be given an appointment following discussion with your GP, practice nurse, mental health practitioner, advanced staff practitioner, health visitor or any other clinical staff attached to the surgery. Appointments are offered Mon-Fri.
What can I expect from the SPLW?
You may receive a phone call where the SPLW will have a personalized conversation with you to understand what really matters to you and to consider the wider needs that are impacting your health, such as social and economical factors. Following this, you are likely to be offered a further detailed appointment with the SPLW to further assess your mental health needs. This appointment can last up to 45 minutes and can be a:
- Face-to-face appointment in your GP surgery or in a community setting
- Telephone appointment if you are unable to travel to the surgery or feel unable to do so
Following assessment, the outcomes may include
- The SPLW will work with you to create a personalized support and care plan; setting goals for you to work towards. They will meet with you over a 12-week period at a place that is accessible or familiar to yourself.
- Signposting/referral to potentially useful online/self-help resources.
- Connect you to local communities, groups and organisations for practical and emotional support