Enhanced Health Check
Who is eligible for an Enhanced Health Check?
An Enhanced Health Check is very similar to an NHS Health Check (NHS Health Check - NHS (www.nhs.uk)) but offers additional support. This appointment will be with one of our Health and Wellbeing Coaches.
Why am I being invited for an Enhanced Health Check?
Everyone is at risk of developing some conditions; the good news is that they can often be prevented – even if you have a history of them in your family.
This is offered to people aged between 40 and 74.
It can help us know more about your health and can help prevent heart disease, stroke, diabetes, kidney disease, and other conditions that we become more at risk of developing with age.
We can identify any help you may need relating to your mental health and physical wellbeing.
What will happen at my Enhanced Health Check?
Your enhanced health check will take about 1 hour.
You will be asked some questions about how you are feeling, your day-to-day life and any key factors that affect your overall health.
The healthcare professional will take blood from your arm, take your blood pressure, and check your height and weight.
You may be offered vaccinations.
What happens after my Enhanced Health Check?
You will receive personalised advice and be referred into appropriate services if needed.
You may be referred to a social prescribing link worker who may be able to help you any problems such as money or housing problems.